Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Are Science and Religion Compatible?

There's a great divide between Science and Religion. Most, if not ALL scientist believe in the theory of Evolution. But that's just it - it's a theory. No one person can come out and claim they know EXACTLY how we came to be. Yes, there's many cases of evidence and truth pointing to the Big Bang theory etc. But nothing can be sure, because no one can go back in time.

Religion, on the other hand, points to a greater power that had a serious hand how we have come to be. But, the same Religion(s) have taken put their own spin on ALOT of things pertaining to our existence and our lives (how we should and should not live them)

We can and probably will go on debating this forever. My take is simple. There's a middle ground to EVERYTHING. Till both sides can mature and accept change, instead of being stuck in their own foolish mentalities, my view from the centre is perfect. Thoroughly entertaining I might add!

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